Tuesday 27 February 2018

Abstract Landscape Painter.  Rural Dweller.  Lover of Modernist Art and Design.

27 February

Despite predictions of very bad weather, we escape the worst, and awake to only a light covering of snow.  The very cold weather provides me with an opportunity to follow a footpath not usually accessible during the winter.  The heavy overnight frost means that the waterlogged clay has become a solid surface.  Normally, I wouldn’t be able to take more than a few steps without my boots feeling like lead, due to the sticky earth.  Today it feels like concrete underfoot and is scattered with white flakes which sparkle like diamond dust in the bright sunlight.

We walk briskly up towards the wood, hearing the lapwings call of “peee-wit, peee-wit!” , coming from the fields on both sides of the path.  The sharp air and piercing light are energising.

At home again, I cut extra kindling and bring in more logs - just in case....

I decide to spend the day working on paintings for forthcoming exhibitions, picking up some small paintings that I had begun a couple of weeks ago and taking two of them forward.

All text & images ©2018 Carol Saunderson
